Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Winds of Change

”The ability to be happy is nothing other than the ability to come to terms with how things change.” My favourite blogger, David, writes this in a post entitled “88 Important Truths I’ve Learned About Life” (#87)

It’s a simple formula, and if it’s true then it’s encouraging. No veil of mystery: We each hold the key to our own happiness and it lies in our outlook. Accept that life is cyclical; good stuff will happen and not-so-good stuff will happen. Roll with the punches as much as you are able and happiness will be within your grasp. Expect life to behave in a linear fashion, constantly heading upward at a 45-degree angle towards only the good and the positive, and instead of being happy you will be disillusioned and disappointed. You might even be angry.

I’ve had a summer full of change, spearheaded by a fire in my neighbour’s apartment that has barred me from my home for close to 3 months now. I haven’t had access to any of my things and I’ve invented as many outfits as I am able to from the few items of clothing I brought with me. These were changes I was not expecting.

People often say, “poor you.”


Because of that disaster, I’ve spent the entire summer hanging out in an incredible condo with an awe-inspiring view, in one of the most beautiful (and expensive) parts of the city (see previous post re: “It pays to have lots of insurance”). I’ve thrived in the bustling energy of urban life. I’ve enjoyed the novelties of underground parking and central air and strolling to get my morning coffee. I’ve re-joined the swim team and cleaned up my eating habits. Work-wise I am the busiest I have been since I first started this business, one year ago this month.

My old apartment has been painted a happy new colour and the hardwood floors have been refinished. Every item I own - clothing, furniture, everything – has been professionally cleaned and repaired where necessary.

Things keep shifting, life does whatever it wants, and that can be energizing and inspiring if we so choose. It's been the happiest summer I can recall.

As the wind alters its mood and the mornings go dark in response, change is upon me once again. My time in this urban oasis has come to an end; it’s time to go back to my humble old homestead with the sloping floors.

I’m not sad. I’ve come to appreciate its warm character, welcoming balconies and the friendly, down-to-earth neighbours – all of which I missed this summer. There is good in everything.

And I have come to terms with yet another change: This blog has reached the end of its natural life. The name, “I’m Fired”, doesn’t speak to me anymore. That person has said all that she needed to say underneath that banner. To all who followed along, thank you. But I am a different person today, with different things to say.

I’ve been on this extraordinary journey of discovery for more than 2 years now. The adventure continues, but my thoughts, language and behaviour have changed and they don’t fit the shape of this little window anymore.

I will be back, in one form or another, and whether anyone reads along or not.

One thing I am certain will never change: I will always write.

And that makes me happy.